What language spoken in Andorra?
The languages spoken in Andorra are Catalan, French, Spanish, and English.
If you are traveling to Andorra on a day trip, or if you are staying there for Andorra skiing, for sure it is no need to speak Catalan, because there are more languages spoken in Andorra like French, Spain, and English and In most of the tourist attractions like ski resorts and tourist office of Andorra, they are speaking these languages.
If you are visiting Andorra for taking a tour inside Andorra La Vella most of the Audio guides are available in Catalan, French, Spain, and English and most of the tour guides in Andorra could be fluent in these languages very well.
at the Andorra border, doesn’t matter that is it is France Andorra border or Spain Andorra Border, if the officer starts to talk with you in Catalan, you can ask them to talk in English and these days most of the officers could communicate with you in English, So Don’t Worry at all.
What is Andorra official language?
Did you know that the only country in the world whose official language is Catalan is Andorra?
Not just in Catalonia and Barcelona and the Balearic Islands, whose first language is Catalan, the main spoken language in Andorra with a population of just 80,000, is also Catalan.
Originally, Catalan was a Roman language and as Spain was a part of the Roman Empire; this language was the main one in the western part of the empire. These days around 10 million could speak Catalan and which is a mixture of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French and it looks more like French than Spanish.
When in one county like Andorra the official language is Catalan, which means that this is the first spoken language there. So at the Andorra Spain border (or at Andorra border control “DUANA”), first they communicate in Catalan for example the default menus at restaurants are Catalan, and as well all the communication between the Government of Andorra and the residents.
After Catalan, Spanish is the most important language spoken in Andorra. It is the primary language of most of the immigrants In Andorra but in the cities that are closer to the France Andorra border (like Pas de la Casa ), French is the main spoken language. One of the reasons is for sure the tax-free shopping at France Andorra Border that each year attracts many visitors to this Border market. Read more About Andorra Border and Andorra Border Crossing